We provide the first ICF Certified systems-based training courses and certification for coaches, facilitators, consultants, trainers, therapists, counsellors & leaders of teams
Coach Training Courses
BG provides advanced training for coaches, consultants, therapists and organizational development professionals. The ORSC curriculum is the only relationship systems-focused ICF accredited coach training program. And as such, it is now possible to complete either an ACC or PCC credential through the ORSC Coach Training Series.
You may view information and agenda’s for each course by selecting the icon to the left of the description
Introductory Courses
Every student begins in one of two courses, Fundamentals or Organization & Relationship Systems at Work. Both are based on the same set of skills and principles. Fundamentals is geared more toward personal coaching, therapy, and social work applications. Organization & Relationship Systems at Work has been designed for OD, Human Resources,Business Leaders, Business Coaching and Consulting Applications.